Join us as we build community for lasting social change.
Over the past few years, a group of non-profit leaders have collaborated to explore a new way to approach social change and the future of our communities. The next step in this journey is community engagement around two broad goals: community building and building a movement.
Through these conversations we will explore how we can leverage the energy and desire in the community to build authentic relationships, hear stories of successes and opportunities, and work towards collectively creating a better future.
Wahkohtowin (pronounced Wah-KOH-toh-win) is a Cree word that refers to the interconnections and kinship between people, communities and nature. Through these gatherings we aim to to build interconnections and kinship within the social services non-profit community.
We invite you to join this gathering facilitated by Jacquelyn Cardinal and rooted in the Indigenous methodology of keeoukaywin or “the visiting way”. The gathering will include a smudge ceremony, connection to place and community and a sharing circle to talk about where you find meaning and inspiration in your work.
What is the purpose of the gatherings?
- Providing space for connection among people who support social services work in Edmonton;
- Building cohesion and resilience among the non-profit community to further our ability for collective action, creativity and imagination; and
- Identifying shared values, aspirations and hopes for our work in the non-profit community.
Who are the gatherings for?
These gatherings are for people who work or volunteer within the social services non-profit ecosystem. We are aiming to engage broadly with people from front-line positions to executive directors and volunteers, including board members. We hope to connect with people who are curious about the work of systems change or social change, those who believe there is a need for radical and disruptive change, and those who are committed to creating a better future.
What's next?
If you cannot attend this gathering, we will be hosting more!
Check out our Wild Apricot page for future dates.
We will synthesize what we hear in these gatherings to inform the engagement sessions at the summit on April 9th, 2025.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact rhianna@ecvo.ca